Retrieved Friday, December 14, 1998
Aaen Ivan | Aalborg University |
Adams Carl | Southampton Institute |
Adams Dennis | University of Houston |
Adelakun Olayele | Turku School of Economics |
Agarwal Ritu | Florida State University |
Agboola Isaac | Gallaudet University |
Ahmad Rami | Louisiana State University |
Al-Gahtani Said | King Khaled University |
Alanis Macedonio | ITESM |
Alkula Jouni | Merita |
Allen Jonathan | University of Cambridge |
Alnor Karl | Aarhus School of Business, Department of Information Science |
Alpar Paul | Philipps-University of Marburg |
Alshawaf Abdulridha | Kuwait University |
Alston Oran | The Katz Graduate School of Business, The University of Pittsburgh |
Alter Steven | University of San Francisco |
Altinkemer Kemal | Purdue University |
Amadi Atieno | University of texas at Arlington |
Amaral Luis | Minho University |
Anckar Bill | Åbo Akademi University |
Andersen Espen | Norwegian School of Management |
Andersen Kim Viborg | Copenhagen Business School |
Andersson Irene | Studentlitteratur AB |
Andersson Martin | Stockholm School of Economics |
Andersson Thorbjörn | City of Turku IT-Department |
Andreu Rafael | IESE University of Navarra |
Angervo Jussi | |
Apte Uday | SMU-Southern Methodist University |
AronKundram Ravi | Stern School of Business, NYU |
Ash Colin | Edith Cowan University |
Aubert Benoit A. | Ecole des HEC and Cirano |
Avital Michel | Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management/IS |
Axelsson Lars Erik | Karlstad University |
Babbitt Timothy | University of Pittsburgh |
Back Barbro | Åbo Akademi University |
Ball Leslie | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Bapna Ravi | University of Connecticut |
Baron John | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Baskerville Richard | Georgia State University |
Bassellier Genevieve | University of British Columbia |
Bauder Cook Colleen | Georgia State University |
Bauer Christian | Curtin University |
Bauknecht Kurt | University of Zurich |
Beath Cynthia | SMU |
Bechor Tamir | Tel Aviv University, Claremont Graduate University |
Belanger France | Virginia Tech |
Benbasat Izak | University of British Columbia |
Beomsoo Kim | The University of Texas at Austin |
Bergman Mark | University of California/Irvine |
Bergvall-Kåreborn Birgitta | Luleå University of Technology |
Bernstein Abraham | MIT |
Berthon Pierre | Cardiff University |
Bichler Martin | CMIT, Haas School of Business |
Bieber Michael | New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Bielli Paola | SDA Boccomi |
Birkin Stanley | Univ. of South Florida, College of Business |
Bjerknes Gro | Avenir ASA |
Bjorn-Andersen Nils | Copenhagen Business School |
Blocq Rogier | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Boddy David | University of Glasgow Business School |
Boersma S.K.Th. | University of Groningen |
Boff Luiz Henrique | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul |
Boland Richard | Case Western Reserve University |
Bolloju Narasimha | City University of Hong Kong |
Borgman Hans | European Business School |
Borstad Arnstein J. | Statoil Research Centre |
Bowen Paul | University of Queensland |
Braa Kristin | Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo |
Bradley Gunilla | Mid Sweden University/Umeå University |
Brambilla Raffaele | MIP politecnico di Milano |
Brancheau James | University of Colorado |
Breite Rainer | Pori School of Technology and Economics |
Brohman Kathryn | University of Western Ontario |
Brooke Carole | University of Lincolnshire and Hurnboside |
Brown Ann | City University Business School |
Brown Carol V. | Kelley School of Business, Indiana University |
Bryan Robert | University of Wisconsin-Whitewater |
Brydon Michael | University of British Columbia |
Bryson Noel | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Brännback Malin | University of Turku |
Buch Niels Jacob | Aalborg University |
Buckingham Shum Simon | Knowledge Media Institute University |
Buffington James R. | Indiana State University |
Bultje René | KPN Research |
Bunker Deborah | University of Wollongong |
Buonanno Lena | Que Education and Training |
Burn Janice M. | Edith Cowan University |
Burns Max | Georgia Southern University |
Burstein Jerome | San Jose State University |
Butler Brian | University of Pittsburgh |
Butler Thomas | University College Cork |
Campos Mário | Institute of Informatics |
Camussone Pier Franco | SDA Boccomi |
Carignani Andrea | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano |
Carlsson Christer | Åbo Akademi University |
Carlsson Sten | University of Karlstad |
Carmel Erran | American University (USA) |
Carr Christopher L. | University of Minnesota |
Carter Pamela | Florida State University |
Case Thomas | Georgia Southern University |
Chandra Kavitha | University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Chandrasekaran Ranganathan | Exeter Group Inc |
Chaturvedi Alok | |
Chau Patrick | Dept. of ISMT, Hong Kong University Science & Technology |
Checkland Peter | Lancaster University UK |
Chiang Hsiang-Li | Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School |
Chiang I-Cheng | University of Washington |
Chin Wynne | University of Houston |
Choudhury Vivek | Florida State University |
Christiaanse Ellen | University of Amsterdam, School of Economics, Dept. of Inf. Management |
Christiansson Benneth | University of Karlstad |
Christiansson Marie-Therese | University of Karlstad |
Christoffersson Gösta | Studentlitteratur AB |
Chu Pai-Cheng | Ohio State University |
Chua Cecil | Nanyang Technological University |
Chudoba Katherine | University of Virginia |
Chwelos Paul | University of British Columbia |
Ciborra Claudio | LSE Bologna |
Compeau Deborah | University of Calgary |
Conger Sue | Southern Methodist University |
Connolly Regina | Dublin City University |
Cordella Antonio | Viktoria Institute |
Crafford Lizette | University of Pretoria |
Cragg Paul | University of Canterbury, New Zealand |
Croker Albert | Baruch College |
Crowston Kevin | Syracuse University School of Information Studies |
Cuthbertson Christine | Cranfield University |
Damsgaard Jan | Aalborg University |
Dans Enrique | The Anderson School at UCLA |
Davis Christopher | UWE, Bristol, UK |
Davis Gordon | University of Minnesota |
Davison Dale | Thunderbird,The American Graduate School |
De Prabuddha | University of Dayton |
De Michelis Giorgio | University of Milano |
De Vreede Gert-Jan | Delf University of Technology |
Deans Candace | Thunderbird, The American Graduate School |
DeGross Janice | University of Minnesota |
Dekleva Sasa | DePaul University |
Dellarocas Chrysanthos | Mit Sloan School |
Delporte Dominique | PTT Post/Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Deschoolmeester Dirk | De Vlerick School voor Management |
Detlor Brian | University of Toronto |
Dick Geoffrey | School of Information Systems |
Divakaran Liginlal | University of Arizona |
Doukidis Georgios | Athens University of Economic and Business |
Downey Martina | Irwin / McGraw-Hill Inc. |
Duncan Nancy | Kent State University |
Dustdar Schahram | University of Art/Center for informatics |
Dutta Soumitra | INSEAD |
Earl Michael | London Business School |
Eerola Annele | Swedish School of Econ. and BA |
Ein-Dor Phillip | Tel-Aviv University |
Ekholm Kari | S.A.M.I. Ernst & Young |
El Sawy Omar | University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business |
El-Kassarawy Yasser | Lancaster University |
El-Shinnawy Maha | Texas A&M University |
Elnicki Richard | University of Florida |
Elofson Greg | Pordham University |
Enns Harvey | University of Western Ontario |
Eriksson Inger | University of Turku |
Evaristo Roberto | University of Denver |
Fairchild Alea | Limburgs Universitair Centrum |
Faraj Samer | University of Maryland |
Favier Marc | University of Grenoble |
Fazio Jodi | Irwin/McGraw-Hill |
Fedorowicz Jane | Bentley College |
Feeny David | Templeton College, University of Oxford |
Feinstein David | University of South Alabama |
Ferrat Thomas | University of Dayton |
Ferris Mark | Saint Louis University |
Fitzgerald Brian | University College Cork |
Fitzgerald Guy | Brunel University |
Forsgren Olov | Umeå University |
Forsman Lauri | Nokia Telecommunications |
Fowler Priscilla | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Transition Enable |
Fredriksson Odd | University of Karlstad |
Galletta Dennis | University of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate school of Business |
Galliers Robert | INSEAD |
Gasson Susan | Binghamton University |
Gemino Andrew | Simon Fraser University |
George Joey | Louisiana State University |
Geter Robert | University of Maryland |
Gibson Virginia | University of Maine |
Gillies Susan | TEMPLET Inc. |
Ginzberg Michael | Case Western Reserve University |
Glasson Bernard | Curtin University |
Gogan Janis | Bentley College |
Golur-Lang Elisabeth | John Wiley+sons Ltd |
Goodman Seymour | University of Arizona and Stanford |
Gosain Sanjay | University of Southern California |
Gottschalk Petter | The Norwegian School of Management |
Granger Mary | George Washington University |
Greenhill Anita | Griffits University |
Gricar Jose | University of Maribor |
Griffiths Catherine | Imperial College |
Grijzenhout Sandra | Exhibitions Department, Eslevier Science |
Gripenberg Pernilla | Swedeish School of Economics and BA |
Grönlund Åke | Umeå University |
Gurbaxani Vijay | University of California, Irvine |
Gustas Remigijus | University of Karlstad |
Hackney Ray | Manchester Metropolitan University |
Hale Deborah | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Halttunen Veikko | University of Jyväskylä |
Hampe J.Felix | University of Koblenz |
Hanisch Josephine | University of South Australia |
Hann Il-Horn | Tha Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania |
Hanseth Ole | University of Oslo |
Hart Paul | Florida Atlantic University |
Harter Donald | Carnegie Mellon University/GSI |
Haseman William | School of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Haubner Randy | Que Education and Training |
Heckman Robert | |
Heikkilä Janne | Turku University |
Heikkilä Jukka | Academy of Finland |
Heikkilä Pauli | Center for Technology Development |
Heinzl Armin | University of Bayreuth |
Heiskanen Ari J.K. | University of Helsinki |
Henfridsson Ola | Umeå University |
Hevner Alan | University of South Florida |
Hidding Gezinus | Loyola University Chicago |
Hirano Masaaki | Waseda University Business School |
Hirschheim Rudy | University of Houston |
Hirt Sabine | Anderson School of Management at UCLA |
Hobbs Christopher | University of Oklahoma |
Hofstede Gert Jan | Wageningen University |
Hogue Jack | University of North Carolina at Charlotta |
Holmströn Jonny | Umeå University |
Holwell Susan | Cranfield University |
Hong Se-Joon | Carnegie Mellon University |
Howcroft Debra | Salford University |
Hunt Bruce | Deakin University / Curtin University |
Hunziker Daniel | University of Berne |
Huotari Jouni | University of Jyväskylä |
Huynh Minh | Binghamton University |
Hwang Yousub | The University of Arizona |
Håkangård Stig | University of Karlstad |
Iacono Suzanne | National Science Foundation |
Iacovou Charalambos | Georgetown University |
Iacucci Giulio | Politecnico di Milano |
Iivari Juhani | University of Oulu |
Ing David | IBM Advanced Business Institute |
Irani Zamir | Brunel University |
Isomäki Hannakaisa | University of Jyväskylä |
Ives Blake | Louisiana State University |
Jacob Varghese | University of Texas, Dallas (UTD) |
Jakobsson Lars | University of Karlstad |
Janko Wolfgang | Vienna University of Economics |
Janson Marius | University of Missouri-St.Louis |
Jansson Kaisa | University of Karlstad |
Jarke Matthias | RWTH Aachen, Informatik V |
Jayaratna Nimal | Sheffield Hallam University |
Jelassi Tawfik | Euro-Arab Management School |
Jin Lei | Georgia State University |
Johansson Jesper M. | IDS Dept. University of Minnesota |
Johansson Peter | University of Karlstad |
Johnson Roy | Florida Atlantic University |
Jones Quentin | Hebrew University |
Josefek Robert | University of Minnesota |
Jurison Jaak | Fordham University |
Järvinen Pertti | University of Tampere |
Kaasila Jouko | University of Oulu,-Dept.of Information Processing Sci. |
Kahai Surinder | SUNY-Binghamton |
Kaila Urpo | Data Fellows |
Kaipala Janne | University of Jyväskylä |
Kambil Ajit | New York University, Stern School of Business |
Kaminuma Yasuko | Maebashi Institute of Technology |
Kang David | University of Cincinnati |
Kangas Kalle | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Karatmaa Arno | Helsinki University of Technology |
Karsten Helena | University of Jyväskylä |
Kasper George | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Katsorchi Maria | University of Cambridge |
Kaufman Cathy | Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Kautz Karlheinz | Copenhagen Business School |
Kavan C. Bruce | University of North Florida |
Kaykova Helena | University of Jyväskylä |
Keinänen Kari | University of Oulu |
Kelly Steven | MetaCase Consulting |
Kelly Séamas | University College Dublin |
Kerola Pentti | University of Oulu |
Kettinger William J. | University of South Carolina |
Keyes-Pearce Susan | Melbourne Business School |
Kihlén Anders | University of Karlstad |
Kim Bonn-Oh | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Kim Jeffrey | University of California, Irvine |
King John | University of California |
King Ruth | University of Illinois at Urbana |
Kirikova Marite | Riga Technical University |
Kirsch Laurie | University of Pittsburgh |
Kirveennummi Mika | University of Turku |
Kivelä Henri | University of Oulu |
Kivijärvi Hannu | Helsinki School of Economics and BA |
Klein Stefan | University of Muenster |
Kleist Virginia | University of Pittsburgh |
Knights David | University of Keele, UK |
Knolmayer Gerhard | University of Bern |
Knudsen Trond | Finnmark College |
Knuuttila Juha | University of Jyväskylä |
Kobelsky Kevin | University of California, Irvine |
Koenig Wolfgang | Frankfurt University |
Kofranek Jiri | Office for the State Information System |
Koivisto Kimmo | Novo Group Oyj |
Koskinen Minna | University of Jyväskylä |
Koskivaara Eija | TUCS/Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Krawczyk Piotr | University of Jyväskylä |
Krcmar Helmut | University Hohenheim |
Kronqvist Britt Marie | Addison Wesley Longman |
Kuechler William | University of Texas, San Antonio |
Kumar Kuldeep | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University |
Kunnas Juha | |
Kuosa Tarja | University of Tampere |
Kurkela Osmo | Raahe Business School |
Kurokawa Tsuneo | Kokugakuin University |
Kurtakko Janne | Nokia Mobile Phone Oyj |
Kurtakko Miika | Nokia Mobile Phones Oyj |
Kuula Jaana | University of Jyväskylä |
Kuutti Kari | University of Oulu |
Kvassov Vladimir | TUCS/Åbo Akademi |
Kwan Miu-lan | Boston University School of Management |
Kwok Ron C.W. | City University of Hong Kong |
Käkölä Timo | University of Jyväskylä |
Könnölä Mika | Tieto Corporation/Network Services |
Lai Hung-Jen | National Sun Yat-sen University |
Lainema Timo | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Lammers Irene | Vrije University |
Larsen Tor J. | The Norwegian School of Management |
Laufer Oskar | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/Free University of Amsterdam |
Lawrence Michael | Lancaster University |
Lee Allen | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Lee Arthur | Gallaudet University |
Lee Byungtae | The University of Illinois |
Lee Chi-Hyon | Boston University |
Lee Jae-Nam | Korea Advanced Institute of Sciences & Technology |
Lee Seung | Hofstra University |
Lee Yang | Northeastern University |
Leidner Dorothy | INSEAD |
Leino Timo | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Leitheiser Robert | University of Wisconsin - Whitewater |
Lekse William | University of Pittsburg |
Lentz Christine | Boston University |
Leppänen Mauri | University of Jyväskylä |
Letch Nicholas | University of Western Australia |
Levecq Hugues | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Levine Linda | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University |
Levy Margi | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick |
Li Feng | Strathclyde University |
Liang Ting-Peng | National Sun Yat-sen University |
Lichtenstein Yossi | Tel-Aviv University |
Liebowitz Jay | University of Maryland-Baltimore County Dept. of Information Systems |
Light Ben | Manchester Business School |
Linden Hannes | Novo Group Oyj |
Linturi Risto | Helsinki Telephone |
Lippert Susan | George Washington University |
Loch Karen D. | Georgia State University |
Loebbecke Claudia | Copenhagen Business School |
Lohva Anne | Nokia Research Center |
Long Cheri | Georgia State University |
Lundberg Bengt G. | Stockholm University |
Lundeberg Mats | Stockholm School of Economics |
Lyytinen Kalle | University of Jyväskylä |
Länsipuro Yrjö | Ministery of Foreign Affairs |
Ma Louis | City University of Hong Kong |
Maansaari Jari | University of Oulu, Dept.of Information Processing Sci. |
MacDonnel Michael | University College Dublin |
Madey Gregory | Kent State University |
Magal Simha | Bowling Green State University |
Mahmood Mo Adam | University of Texas, El Paso |
Mahrer Harald | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Makkonen Pekka | University of Jyväskylä |
Malhotra Arvind | Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California |
Manabe Ryutaro | Bunkyo University |
Mandviwalla Munir | Temple University-Computer & Information |
Manich Anthony | United States Navy Tactical Aircraft Programs |
March Salvatore | University of Minnesota |
Markus M. Lynne | Claremont Graduate University |
Marsden James | University of Connecticut |
Marshall Peter | Edith Cowan University |
Martensson Paer | Stockholm School of Economics |
Martenssons Anders | Stockholm School of Economics |
Marttiin Pentti | Nokia Research Center |
Mason Florence | University of North Texas |
Mason Richard | Southern Methodist Univ. |
Mason Robert | Florida State University |
Mathiassen Lars | Aalborg University |
Matsutani Hiroyuki | Tama University |
Matthee Machdel | University of Pretoria |
Matthes Florian | Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg |
Mc Leod Poppy | Case Western Reserve University |
McCubbrey Donald | Daniels College of Business, University of Denver |
McEwan Andrew | Sheffield Hallam University |
McGrath Fergal | University of Limerick |
Mchenry William | Georgetown University School of Business |
McKay Judy | Edith Cowan University |
McLean Ephraim | Georgia State University |
McMaster Tom | University of Salford |
Meert Bart | De Vlerick School voor Management |
Meister Darren | Queen's University School of Business |
Mennecke Brian | East Carolina University |
Meri Martti | University of Jyväskylä/TITU |
Merisaari Leena | |
Miralles Francesc | Esade |
Mirijamdotter Anita | Luleå University of Technology |
Mizuta Hiroshi | VE Center |
Moe Carl Erik | Agder College |
Molin Lennart | University of Karlstad |
Montesinos-Delgado David | INCAE |
Mooney John | University of College Dublin |
Morris James | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Mumford Enid | Manchester University |
Munezawa Takuro | Niigata Univ. of International & Information Studies |
Mursu Anja | University of Jyväskylä |
Mustonen-Ollila Erja | Lappeenranta University of Technology |
Myers Michael | University of Auckland |
Mähring Magnus | Stockholm School of Economics |
Nahar Nazmun | University of Jyväskylä |
Nakayama Makoto | Anderson School at UCLA |
Nambisan Satish | National University of Singapore |
Naskali Terhi | Turku University |
Nelson H. James | University of Kansas |
Nelson Kay | University of Kansas |
Neo Boon-Siong | Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School |
Neufeld Derrick | University of Manitoba |
Newman Michael | Free University, Amsterdam |
Ngwenyama Olelanki | Virginia Commonwealth University |
Nielsen Peter Axel | Aalborg University |
Nilsson Anders G. | University of Karlstad |
Nissen Hans-Erik | Lund University |
Norbjerg Jacob | Center for Teleinformation, Techn. University of Denmark |
Northey James | Michigan Technological University |
Novitzki James | Johns Hopkins University |
Nunes Paul | Andersen Consulting |
Nurminen Markku | University of Turku / Laboris |
O'Callaghan Ramon | Tilburg University, Faculty of Economics |
O'Keefe Bob | Brunel University |
O'Leary Daniel | University of Southern California |
Oberweiss Andreas | J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
Odendahl Clemens | Springer-Verlag |
Oinas-Kukkonen Harri | University of Oulu / Department of Information Processing Science |
Oliveira Almiro | University de Evora |
Olve Nils-Göran | Linköping University |
Ooi Ginny | Nanyang Technological University |
Oppelland Hans J. | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Orvik Tore U. | Adger College |
Ouksel Aris M. | The University of Illinois at Chicago |
Ow Terence | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Palmer Jonathan | University of Maryland |
Palvia Prashant | The University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business & Economics |
Paradice David | Texas A&M University |
Park Jinsoo | The University of Arizona |
Parks Mike | University of Houston |
Parsons Jeffrey | Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Parsons Robert | Northeastern University |
Passerini Katia | George Washington University |
Pastor-Collado Joan Antoni | UPC-Universitat Politecnica Catalunya |
Patterson Candice | Georgia State University |
Peace Alan | Duquesne University |
Pechinski Sheila | UMaine |
Pedersen Mogens Kuehn | Copenhagen Business School |
Peffers Ken | Rutgers University |
Peppard Joe | Cranfield School of Management |
Pereira Manuel Joao | Catholic University of Portugal |
Perez Miguel | Tecnologico de Monterrey |
Periasamy K. Pelly | Nanyang Technological University |
Pervan Graham | Curtin University |
Peterson Ryan | University of Tilburg |
Phahlamohlaka Jackie | University of Pretoria |
Philippakis Andrew | Arizona State University |
Pi Shih-Ming | National Central University |
Piccoli Gabriele | Louisiana State University |
Pick James | University of Redlands |
Pigneur Yves | Uni. Lausanne |
Pipino Leo | University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Piramuthu Selwyn | University of Pennsylvania |
Pirhonen Maritta | University of Jyväskylä |
Pitt Leyland | University of Cardiff |
Plant Robert | University of Miami |
Pohto Ilari | City of Helsinki |
Poissonnet Sandrine | UCLA |
Pollard Carol | University of Colorado, Boulder |
Porra Jaana | |
Poulymenakou Angeliki | Athens University of economics and Business |
Prabhakar Bipin | University of Cincinnati |
Prasad Baba | Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University |
Pries-Heje Jan | Copenhagen Business School |
Pucihar Andreja | University of Maribor |
Puhakainen Esa | Tieto Corporation Oyj |
Puhakainen Jussi | TUKKK |
Pulkinen Esa | |
Päivärinta Tero | University of Jyväskylä / Information Research Institute |
Pöyry Olli | Helsinki School of Economics |
Ragowsky Arik | Wayne State University |
Rahikkala Tua | VTT Electronics |
Rai Arun | Georgia State University |
Ramírez Alejandro | Carleton University |
Randolph Cherilyn | University of Western Australia |
Rapp Birger | Linköping University |
Rathswohl Eugene | University of San Diego |
Rauhala Anja | University of Vaasa |
Raunio Antti | Finnish National Fund for Technology Development, Sitra |
Raupp Markus | University of Freibyrg, Inst. of Econ. Research, Dept. for Inf. Systems |
Ravichandran T | Rensselaer Polytechnik Institute |
Rawstorne Patrick | University of Wollongong |
Ray Gautam | The Ohio State University |
Reponen Tapio | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Reutzel Edward | Penn State University |
Rho Sangkyu | Seoul National University |
Rieger Bodo | University of Osnabrueck |
Riihimaa Jaakko | TaY / Seinäjoki Polytechnic |
Rittenbruch Markus | University of Bonn |
Rivard Suzanne | HEC-Montreal |
Robey Daniel | Georgia State University |
Roche Mike | Addison Wesley Longman |
Rodgers Thomas Lee | University of Arizona |
Rodhain Florence | ISIM |
Rolland Erik | Ohio State University |
Romm Celia | The University of Wollongong |
Roode Dewald | University of Pretoria |
Ropponen Janne | University of Jyväskylä |
Rose Gregory | Georgia State University |
Ross Jeanne | MIT Sloan School |
Rossi Matti | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Rostgård Andersen Povl Erik | Aarhus School of Business, Department of Information Science |
Rosti Pirjo | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Rothenberger Marcus | Arizona State University |
Rouse Anne | University of Melbourne |
Ruohonen Mikko | University of Tampere |
Russ Christian | DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) |
Russo Nancy | University College Cork |
Saakvitne Geir | ISI |
Saarinen Timo | Helsinki School of Economics |
Salminen Airi | University of Jyväskylä |
Samaddar Subhashish | Georgia State University |
Sambamurthy Vallabh | University of Maryland, College Park |
Sampler Jeffrey | London Business School |
Samson Dolly | Weber State University |
Samuelsson Kurt | University of Karlstad |
Sandman Thomas | CSU-Sacramento |
Sandoe Kent | California State University Chico |
Sannes Ragnvald | Norwegian School of Management BI |
Sarkar Sumit | University of Texas, Dallas (UTD) |
Sarker Suprateek | Washington State University |
Sauer Chris | University of NSW |
Saunders Carol | University of Oklahoma |
Savolainen Vesa | University of Jyväskylä |
Sawyer Steven | School of Information Studies, Syracuse |
Sayer Kylie | University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) |
Scanlan Susan | MIS Quarterly, University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management |
Schaap Dirk J. | University of Groningen |
Schlueter Langdon Christoph | Darmstadt University of Technology |
Schmidt Roy | Bradley University |
Schmidt Yven | Springer-Verlag |
Schneberger Scott | University of Western Ontario |
Schultze Ulrike | Southern Methodist University |
Scott Ian | London Business School |
Scott Susan | London School of Economics |
Scown Philip | Manchester Metropolitan University |
Seddon Peter | The University of Melbourne |
Segars Albert | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Sein Maung | Adger College |
Selvin Albert M. | Bell Atlantic Network Systems |
Selz Dorian | University of St. Gallen, mcm-institute |
Senn James | Georgia State University |
Sere Kaisa | Dept. of Computer Science, Åbo Akademi University |
Serrano Antonio | Evora University |
Sethi Vikram | Southwest Missouri State University |
Setzekorn Kristina | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale |
Seward Tony | Elsevier Science |
Shaft Teresa | University of Tulsa |
Shaw Michael | University of Illinois |
Shaw Nancy | American University |
Shaw Thomas | University of Texas at Austin |
Sherrod Matthew | ARCO Alaska Inc. |
Shin Namchul | Rowan University |
Sia Choon Ling | City University of Hong Kong |
Siau Keng | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Sieber Pascal | University of Bern |
Sieber Sandra | IESE / University of Navarra |
Silveira Joao | Institute of Informatics |
Similä Jouni | University of Oulu, Dept.of Information Processing Sci. |
Simmonds Ian | IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Simon Kai | Viktoria Institute |
Sinervo Heikki | |
Sipior Janice | Villanova University |
Sirkemaa Seppo | |
Sivunen Sami | University of Oulu, Dept.of Information Processing Sci. |
Slaughter Sandra | GSIA, Carnegie Mellon University |
Small Ruth | Syracuse University |
Smith Mike | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Smithson Steve | London School of Economics |
Smythe Errol | University of British Columbia |
Soh Christina | Nanyang Technological University |
Sole Deborah | Harvard Business School |
Soni Samit | University of Texas at Dallas |
Spence J. Wayne | University of North Texas |
Spitler Valerie | New York University |
Srinivasan Ananth | University of Auckland |
Standing Craig | Edith Cowan University |
Staples Sandy | Queen's University |
Steneskog Gosta | Stockholm School of Economics |
Stephens Charlotte | Columbus State University |
Stohr Edward | New York University |
Stolterman Erik | Informatics, Umeå University |
Straub Detmar | Georgia State University |
Straub Stephen | Western Illinois University |
Strommer Heidi | Addison Wesley Longman |
Strong Diane | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Stylianou Antonis | Universty of North Carolina, Charlotte |
Suomi Reima | Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Surendra Nanda | Pace University |
Sutcliffe Norma | Marquette University |
Suter Benno | University of Berne, Institute of Information |
Sutton Fred | University of Wollongong |
Swagerman Dirk | University of Twente/T&M |
Swanson E. Burton | Anderson School at UCLA |
Swedin Ase | McGraw-Hill Publishing Co |
Sääksjärvi Markku | Helsinki School of Economics and BA |
Tallon Paul | University of California, Irvine Graduate School of Management |
Tan Bernard | National University of Singapore |
Tan Gek Woo | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Tan Sharon | National University of Singapore |
Tanniru Mohan | Oakland University |
Tanriverdi Hüseyin | Boston University |
Taylor Diane | John Wiley+Sons Ltd |
Teeuwen Paul | NGI (Netherlands Society for Information) |
Teo Hock-Hai | National University of Singapore |
Terziyan Vagan | University of Jyväskylä |
Tetard Franck | Turku Centre for Computer Science |
Thodenius Björn | Stokholm School of Economics |
Thong Yeong-Liang | Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology |
Tiittanen Anne | Helsinki Police Department |
Titheradge Catherine | School of Information Systems & Management Science |
Tolis Christofer | Stockholm School of Economics, Dept. of Information Management |
Tolvanen Juha Pekka | MetaCase Consulting |
Tomak Kerem | Purdue University |
Torvelainen Teemu | Helsinki School of Economics and BA |
Tractinsky Noam | Ben-Gurion University |
Trauth Eileen | Northeastern University |
Travis Julie | Curtin University of Technology |
Trimmer Kenneth | University of South Florida |
Truex Duane | CIS Dept GA State Univ. |
Turner Jon | New York University |
Turunen Pekka | TUCS/Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Tuunainen Virpi | Helsinki School of Economics |
Tzeng Gwo-Hshiung | National Chiao Tung University |
Uchiki Tetsuya | Tokyo University |
Ulfhake Louise | University of Karlstad |
Umanath N.S. | University of Cincinnati |
Ura Shoji | Niigate University of International and Information Studies |
Urbaczewski Andrew | Indiana University |
Urbanova Jitka | Office for the State Information Systems |
Uretsky Mike | NYU |
Urquhart Cathy | Sunshine Coast University College |
Valacich Joe | Washington State University |
Valor Josep | IESE University of Navarra |
Van Baalen Peter | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Van Der Heijden Hans | Proce Waterhouse Coopers |
Van Dissel Han | Rotterdam School of Management |
van Fenema Paul C. | Rotterdam School of Management |
Van Heck Eric | Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, Dep of Dec. and inf. Sciences |
Vanharanta Hannu | Pori School of Technology and Economics |
Veijalainen Jari | University of Jyväskylä, Dept. of Comp. Science and Information Systems |
Venable John | Murdoch University |
Vendelo Morten | Copenhagen Business School |
Venkatesh Viswanath | University of Maryland |
Verstrepen Sven | De Vlerick School voor Management |
Vessey Iris | Indiana University |
Vilia Manuela | Institute of Informatics |
Vinig Tsvi | University of Amsterdam |
Vinze Ajay | Arizona State University |
Viswanathan Nanda | University of Redlands |
Vitale Michael | Melbourne Business School |
Volkoff Olga | Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario |
Volz William | Wayne State University |
von Hellens Liisa | Griffith University |
von Maur Eitel | University of Osnabrueck |
Väisänen Pasi | Merita |
Wade Mike | University of Western Ontario |
Wagner Christian | City University of Hong Kong |
Wagner Jennifer | Roosevelt University |
Walczuch Rita | Maastricht University |
Walden Pirkko | Åbo Akademi University |
Wallace Linda | University of Noth Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Waller Alfred | McGraw-Hill Publishing Company |
Walsham Geoff | Cambridge University / Judge Institute of Management Studies |
Walstrom Kent | Illinois State University |
Wand Yair | University of British Columbia |
Wang Kai | Dept. of Information Management,National Central University, Taiwan |
Wareham Jonathan | Copenhagen Business School |
Wasko Molly | University of Maryland |
Wassenaar Arjen | University of Twente |
Wastell David | |
Watson Hugh | University of Georgia |
Watson Richard | University of Georgia |
Weber Ron | Department of Commerce, The University of Queensland |
Wei Kwok-kee | National University of Singapore |
Weidenhaupt Klaus | RWTH Aachen |
Weill Peter | Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne |
Weistroffer Heinz Roland | Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business |
Welke Richard | Georgia State University |
West Joel | U.C. Irvine |
Westland Chris | Dept. of ISMT, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
Whitley Edgar | London School of Economics and Political Science |
Wickramasinghe Nilmini | Case Western Reserve University |
Wigand Rolf | Syracuse University |
Wijnhoven Fons | University of Twente |
Willcocks Leslie | Templeton College University of Oxford |
Williamson Rick | Irwin/McGraw-Hill |
Wilppu Eva | TUCS/Turku School of Economics and Business Administration |
Wilson Robyn | National University of Singapore |
Wojtkowski W. Gregory | Boise State University |
Wojtkowski Wita | Boise State University |
Wong Roman | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale |
Woo Carson | University of British Columbia |
Wood-Harper Trevor | University of Salford |
Wright Kathleen | George Washington University |
Xia Franck | University of Macao |
Yang Shinkyu | MIT Sloan School of Management |
Yang Tzyy-Ching | National Sun Yat-sen University |
Yap Alexander | Copenhagen Business School |
Yates Tim | McGraw-Hill Publishing Co |
Yetton Philip | Fujitsu Centre, AGS, University of NSW |
Zhang Zheying | University of Jyväskylä |
Zhao Jianliang | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Zigurs Ilse | University of Colorado |
Zinner Henriksen Helle | Copenhagen Business School |
Ziolkowski Tom | Addison Wesley Longman |
Zmud Robert | University of Oklahoma |
Zorrinho Jose | Universidade de Evora |
728 participants
This website is updated once a week, last update December 14, 1998. For questions concerning the program, Doctoral Consortium, exhibition, registration etc. please see contact information. Observations concerning these web pages should be addressed to Jouni Huotari
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